Sparks is the next-era community engagement tracking solution. Sparksbot enables projects to identify their most valuable community members on twitter and telegram using API integrations combined with cutting-edge data analytics.
Sparks is taking community engagement to the next level!
To revolutionize online community engagement tracking by identifiying your most valuable community members!
Many projects rely on active communities and reach on social media. Although this is a vital part in every business there exist no smart solutions to actually track each community members engagement. Sparksbot is the first application to track this engagement for twitter and telegram interactions - delivering projects insights into their most valuable members. Ever wanted to know who is the most valuable community member to reward or motivate them more? Sparks is the solution.
Sparks core team is anonymous and consists out of senior software engineers. Sparks treasury is locked until 2026.
We just delivered the first version of our engagement tracker and are currently running an airdrop campaign to drive community engagement and further testing. Our top priority is to drive adoption of sparksbot by other projects.